How to Stop Snoring: Do Stop Snoring Devices Really Work?

  • man snoring

Snoring is that one thing we wish we never do, and that we hope our significant other never suffers from. While often simply an annoyance, snoring is indicative of a problem with breathing through the nose, and at varying intensities can become a serious impediment to a good night’s sleep. Thankfully, modern medical knowledge has devised several solutions to snoring. Ranging from simple personal practices to implants and devices, snoring can become a thing of the past. Below are several tips and methods to stop snoring, including a couple that can be addressed by a dentist. Do you have a […]

How to Stop Grinding Your Teeth

  • how to stop grinding your teeth

Do you grind your teeth? Even if you don’t think so, there’s a chance that you are among the estimated ten percent of people who grind their teeth subconsciously — a condition with the clinical name of bruxism. Many bruxism sufferers grind their teeth without even realizing that it’s happening. The grinding most commonly happens at night, when the person is deeply asleep. Some people grind their teeth for years without being aware of this nightly habit (which can also happen while awake as a subconscious behavior). Usually it’s the development of one of bruxism’s negative side effects that triggers […]

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